Ministers, Please Let's Get Knowledge!

Dr Victor Phume is a Nigerian/South African scholar who somehow realized that many people have many questions regarding religions, Christianity and the Bible as a whole. He then took it upon himself to create a platform where he invited Pastors, Prophets and all ministers in general so they could be given time to explain their beliefs and the entire Christian doctrine. You will be amazed, in fact, I was shocked to watch Pastor after Pastor stumbling and stammering to answer Mr Phume’s intense cross-examination. The questions included where did God come from? Are there errors in the Bible? Is Jesus and God the same thing? Does lying disqualify Christians from entering heaven? How do you know a false prophet? What if there is no God? And so on. Now, these may seem very simple–at least to some of us–but it saddens me because I have observed over the years as a believer that the average African Gospel minister, who stands before people every Sunday as God’s vessel, cannot give a clear tea...