Fathers, Pull Up Your Socks!

I don’t have much childhood memory in terms of my religious upbringing. However, the bit that I remember is the songs and some religious teachings, most particularly the 10 commandments, all thanks to my devout catholic mother. Of course, I did grow up and found my own path away from the Roman faith, yet I must, in a way admire and in some sense be thankful that Mum tried to teach me the ways of God, the way she understood them. Who knows perhaps all this “theology” that is in my head now was a result of that seed planted in my young days. Comrades, this issue that I have today has bothered my soul for centuries. That is, as Christian parents we don’t make enough efforts (if any at all) to groom our children in the ways of the Lord. I am talking about at home, through family Bible studies and prayer. This is directed mostly to Fathers, the ones that are so privileged to become heads of households. Yet most of us are definitely not concerned, and certainly unwilling to humble ourselve...