
Showing posts from February, 2024

Fathers, Pull Up Your Socks!

I don’t have much childhood memory in terms of my religious upbringing. However, the bit that I remember is the songs and some religious teachings, most particularly the 10 commandments, all thanks to my devout catholic mother. Of course, I did grow up and found my own path away from the Roman faith, yet I must, in a way admire and in some sense be thankful that Mum tried to teach me the ways of God, the way she understood them. Who knows perhaps all this “theology” that is in my head now was a result of that seed planted in my young days. Comrades, this issue that I have today has bothered my soul for centuries. That is, as Christian parents we don’t make enough efforts (if any at all) to groom our children in the ways of the Lord. I am talking about at home, through family Bible studies and prayer. This is directed mostly to Fathers, the ones that are so privileged to become heads of households. Yet most of us are definitely not concerned, and certainly unwilling to humble ourselve...

There Is No “altar” That Speaks For You!

Somebody said, “ There is a difference between a seed and a sacrifice for your altar . An altar will always speak on your behalf in situations. The bigger the amount for your altar, the bigger the results for your breakthrough ”. As shocking as these words are, they came directly from the mouth of one of the leading grandaddy “prophet” of the African continent who goes by the name Duncan Williams. Here is another quote, this time from a preacher called Joshua Selman. He says, “ You will die like a chicken if you do not understand the mystery of altars . An altar is a platform where the realm of the spirit makes contact with the physical realm on legal grounds. Every spirit, including God, is at the mercy of a body or altar , to find expression .” One last quote from another fellow, I think they call him Michael Orokpo, “ As long as you have an altar , God is on your side…The moment a man understands the role of an altar , he can summon the spirits. Spirits are legalistic beings, the...

Church Hurt Is Real, Let’s Not Dismiss It!

It seems like we are a very emotional world. I cannot count how many talk shows I have listened to where the narrative is what people are going through, especially because of the mistreatment and abuses they suffer at the hands of their lovemates, work bosses and even the government itself.  And guess what? Citizens love to listen to these kinds of stories because somehow they relate to their own life experiences. I have also noticed a huge shift in the kind of sermons you find on most pulpits today. That is, many years ago, church messages were mostly about heaven, hell, death and the coming of Jesus, yet today it is mostly motivational, inspirational kind of sermons, because ministers now believe that people are already going through a lot of hurt and brokenness in their daily lives, hence they need only to be encouraged into a better realization of themselves. To a great extent, I applaud that because it proves that our pastors care about us, and how we feel as the sheep of the ...

The Danger of the Quick, Easy “leading someone to Jesus”!

We all know Billy Graham the famous evangelist who inspired many (including me) with his wide reaching crusades. Yet this is the same man who apparently said that he believes that a great majority of people who came forward in his alter calls were lost. In fact, he would be glad if only 5% of them were truly saved. Which means he believed that the rest (95%) never continued on in their faith but quickly fell away. I believe this problem is not only true with Evangelist Billy, but it is the reality of the whole Christendom. I have been in this churchworld for all these years and I have also noted with concern that not many people really exhibit the true fruits of saving faith in their day-to-day lives, regardless of being part of large crowds that “make decisions for Jesus.” What then shall we say is the problem, why is the backsliding rate way bigger than those good soil seeds that grow and bear fruit for the kingdom? According to Ray Comfort, another famous evangelist, the real prob...