There Was A Time!

There was a time, in distant history when the church was not what it is today. Salvation was believed to be something that you could earn through being part of the church, attending mass gatherings and even buying that salvation for your dead relatives. When faith alone was not enough to save, but you had to meet God halfway through working or earning your salvation by good deeds. There was a time when those who died were believed to have gone neither to heaven nor to hell but were somewhere in the middle ground called purgatory until the prayers of the saints freed them into heaven. There was a time, when the Bible alone was not enough for faith, rule and life, but men needed the church traditions, and church councils to dictate what God’s people were to do in order to please God. There was a time, when the Bible was not available in English or any other language apart from Latin, so abhorrent was it for ordinary citizens to even possess or read it for themselves without the chu...