
Showing posts from October, 2023

There Was A Time!

There was a time, in distant history when the church was not what it is today. Salvation was believed to be something that you could earn through being part of the church, attending mass gatherings and even buying that salvation for your dead relatives. When faith alone was not enough to save, but you had to meet God halfway through working or earning your salvation by good deeds.   There was a time when those who died were believed to have gone neither to heaven nor to hell but were somewhere in the middle ground called purgatory until the prayers of the saints freed them into heaven. There was a time, when the Bible alone was not enough for faith, rule and life, but men needed the church traditions, and church councils to dictate what God’s people were to do in order to please God. There was a time, when the Bible was not available in English or any other language apart from Latin, so abhorrent was it for ordinary citizens to even possess or read it for themselves without the chu...

A Biblical Insight About Praying In Tongues

We are already in a new era of believers who are going back to Scripture to study for themselves the truth. It is because some of us have had enough of bad doctrines already, most particularly our topic today; the gifts of the Holy Spirit – namely, tongues. The end goal, of course, is that some believer, somewhere will read this thoughtfully and above all, scripturally. Let’s take it on. There are four primary Scripture passages that are cited as evidence for praying in tongues: Romans 8:26; 1 Corinthians 14:4-17 and Ephesians 6:18 . Also Ephesians 6:18 and Jude 20 mention “praying in the Spirit”, even though those passages don’t necessarily mean that “praying in the Spirit” and praying in tongues are the same thing. A brief study of Romans 8:26 will reveal these words, “ In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. ” Again, that passage has always been...

Identifying the Right Man to Marry

First and foremost, this is not a dating site. Rather, this is a doctrine-saturated Christian platform that seeks to bring Biblical knowledge to every aspect of our lives, including the issue of courtship. Today’s discussion is aimed at helping single ladies, I mean those who are in Christ and looking for their life partner (certainly not for unbelievers). It is a proven fact that there are already (inside our churches) many young, smart, godly women who are open and perhaps ready for marriage but they just can’t find anyone man in enough to match their quality. There is a famine in the land with regard to godly men in our churches. As one joke says, if a lion were to be let loose among us, it would starve to death because there are no men to eat. Now, when it comes to finding the “right man”, please forsake the worldly idea that an ideal husband is the one with a car, a large bank account, educated and with huge body muscles. That kind of fantasy is popular in worldly magazines, but i...

To What Extent Is Social Media Affecting The Gospel?

I remember somewhere around 2010 when Christian leaders were warning their congregates against things like Facebook. It was thought to be a satanic tool that was invented to capture Christians – perhaps. In fact, there is one American Pastor who told his church members to delete all their Facebook accounts because such a platform was promoting sexual promiscuity. Fast-forward to 2020, and every Christian organization/church was doing services on these online platforms, all thanks to the Covid lockdowns. But I was just wondering if the rise of these WhatsApp/TikTok things has in any way affected the spread of truth; for the worse or for the better. In the end, how can the body of Christ take advantage of these Media platforms while being aware of the dangers they have brought to our Christian culture? Easy access to evil I once believed that explicit porn is not allowed on public media platforms such as Facebook. Lo and behold; they are, and readily available for consumption by not only...

The Double Minded Man

Here in our black continent, almost everybody identifies themselves as Christian. It has become part of our culture. However, if you were to set a 24-hour camera on all those individuals who profess Christian faith, it won’t take long to notice that being a Jesus follower to them means nothing beyond lip service. I mean a great number (save a few), still continue to live their lives the same way they would if there never was anything called Christianity. There is no difference at all, in character and conduct between a man who has never darkened the church door with many who proudly wear the church uniform. Why is this so, considering that believers are known for being distinct individuals who have for 2000 years turned the world upside down with their teachings and their practical impact on societies? To get to the roots, look no further than the fact that a great mass are comfortable with a warm-weather kind of Christianity that neither requires nor demands anything from them. They c...