When You Say, "God Spoke To Me" Part 2: The Motive

Of all the concerning issues we have discussed, nothing is as worrying as the habit of some believers who boldly stand before others and announce that “the Lord spoke to me”, when in reality, there is no proof – even in their consciences – that it was indeed God Himself or just an imagination of their minds . This, I tell you, is the source of confusion that we have in the African church today. It needs to be addressed, lest we become guilty of turning a blind eye to the very thing that brings dishonor to the Name of the Holy One. Our aim today is to answer the question; why do people do that in the first place? Believe it or not, everything man does always has a motive; good or bad. Although no one can truly know or judge other people’s motives except the Almighty Himself, still, I believe, anyone who has diligently studied his Bible – which is able to discern thoughts and secret intents of the heart ( Heb 4:12 ) – can surely know the hidden truth about human nature. Influence fr...