
Showing posts from January, 2023

When You Say, "God Spoke To Me" Part 2: The Motive

Of all the concerning issues we have discussed, nothing is as worrying as the habit of some believers who boldly stand before others and announce that “the Lord spoke to me”, when in reality, there is no proof – even in their consciences – that it was indeed God Himself or just an imagination of their minds . This, I tell you, is the source of confusion that we have in the African church today. It needs to be addressed, lest we become guilty of turning a blind eye to the very thing that brings dishonor to the Name of the Holy One. Our aim today is to answer the question; why do people do that in the first place? Believe it or not, everything man does always has a motive; good or bad. Although no one can truly know or judge other people’s motives except the Almighty Himself, still, I believe, anyone who has diligently studied his Bible – which is able to discern thoughts and secret intents of the heart ( Heb 4:12 ) – can surely know the hidden truth about human nature.  Influence fr...

5 Qualities of a Good Church

Suppose you are looking for a church; a community of local believers that will serve and be served by you, not only for your growth but also for the wellbeing of your children, what characteristics would mark that good church? I tell you from experience that church hunting is one of the most heartbreaking activities you will ever do. We are all aware that when it comes to churches today, we are in the book of judges where “in those days was no king and everyone was doing what’s right in their own eyes” ( Judg 21:25 ). As much as worship buildings continue to fill up every street corner, it is still a proven fact that good churches are as rare as gold itself.  Before we go far, let us be sure that there is no perfect church. One has said it well that if you ever find that “perfect church”, don’t join it because you will mess it up. Regardless, I still argue that there is something called a “good church” as compared to the bad ones that have flooded this good land of Africa. How then...

Defending The Beauty of Marriage

Often times when people discuss marriage – and I have been to those conversations – the highlight is always the sufferings and pains that it has brought to our brothers and sisters. Such talks have given everyone the impression that marriage is nothing but another form of a prison sentence . Because of such negative sentiments, we are seeing a new generation of young ones that no longer aspire to get into marriage. In fact, more and more people prefer to have short-term relationships than to “enslave” themselves to a lifetime commitment with someone. My question is: if being married is the worst mistake that one can make, why then is marriage still the most sort after (far above riches) thing on the earth’s surface? It’s because, no matter the bad publicity, we all know within ourselves that there are still great benefits of being a married somebody. This is what I wish to remind my readers today.  Mind you, we are taking this from a Christian perspective. Companionship Humans are ...

What Is To Be Truly Blessed?

Being blessed, of course, is everyone's wishlist. The result of my observation is that a great mass of persons attend churches with the sole motive of attaining blessings from God. And being blessed – according to them – means acquiring a good paying job, a newly bought car, a new business deal and perhaps a shiny suit with sunglasses on top. You will be amazed at how many church conferences I have been to where the themes are something like “tips to success”, “time for your breakthrough”, “it’s your season”, “taking charge” and “jumping to new heights.” As you can discern, it all revolves around financial accumulation in this world – just coated with Christian language. The sermons are so predictable such that you can always know that regardless of the verse, they will end with a noisy “prophetic declaration” of success to your life. Even more than that, they will tell you that if you want to be quickly blessed, find the richest minister in town, and sow your “seed money” into his...