
Showing posts from November, 2022

Unveiling The Lies About Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is always a fascinating subject to many of my fellow brethren these days. Yet my heart grieves a little because I believe it’s one of the most misunderstood and wrongly taught of them all. I have sat and listened to a lot of sermons about this subject, but to my disappointment, I don’t remember any of them being close to the Biblical definition of Spiritual warfare. What is commonly taught is that one who does spiritual warfare is that believer who wakes up every midnight, “the time when the dark forces are operating” and engages in a loud and yelling prayer session; calling every demon by name, while binding and rebuking the devil of suffering and limitation. As well-meaning as many are who do this, my question is, is this what see – for example in Ephesians 6 – being prescribed as the way to engage the demonic principalities that attack us? Here is a glimpse of that passage. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of ...

Do We Really Need A Message About Hell?

Hell fire a.k.a fire & brimstone sermons were the regular diet in the Church a few decades ago. A preacher would stand up straight – as serious as his face was – and yell, bark and roar about a place where sinners are toasted mercilessly at the hands of an angry God.  Well, how quickly have things changed because I don’t remember the last time I heard that kind of a message. Today, it is considered to be a relatively unfriendly, unloving, and certainly unnecessary thing to talk about; definitely the wrong method of building a big church. But do we really need hell messages anyways? Is the church better off now that the doom preachers are out of jobs? I bet you are not surprised to discover that I am voting for the fire and brimstone preaching to come back to the pulpit once again. But why would I support such a negative, counterproductive thing as hell? Because it is the truth of Scripture The Bible is inspired by the Spirit of God, therefore, every book, chapter and verse was ...

Discerning Maturity In You

On this platform, we don’t desire to waste your precious time but to give you that kind of truth that will add value to your Christian life. On that line, this is the day to discuss maturity. Mature individuals are needed in all aspects of society but they are urgently needed especially in the house of the Lord. As I write, there is already an embarrassing level of immaturity in the Church today, from the front end of the pulpit to the back row of the pew. There are many individuals who are aged in years, while some are quite experienced in Christian circles, yet very childish in their Christ-like conduct. On the opposite end are those who are relatively new to the Gospel world, yet surprisingly mature in their Christian walk. Before we go far, let’s be clear that no one can reach perfect maturity in this life. We are all babes and learners before the great Teacher Himself. Regardless, there is still some level of growth that proves that one has progressed in their relationship with Ch...

A Promise On The Other Side

I know that we have much hope in the things of this world. I am aware that most of us have got big dreams; we have many things we want and wish to archive. Indeed, some of us are already living relatively good lives; topped by big and well-deserved achievements. All these are not bad, in fact, all good things come from above as a gift for our enjoyment ( Jam 1:17 ). At the same time, I know that “good living” is not for everyone – there are still some of us who are struggling to make ends meet despite doing everything we can to work hard. As a matter of fact, I have been to some places where I questioned God for allowing those people to live in such terrible conditions. Some are they whose earthly bodies are not so good, health-wise. I have lived long enough on this planet to learn that this earth is sometimes a cruel place to live in. It has all kinds of heartbreaks and heartaches; pains and sorrows. My short message to all of us is that there is another hope. A hope that is based nei...