Do They Really Do Miracles?
There was a time when it was extremely difficult to know who a true minister is and who is not, those days are way behind us, because modern wolves somehow seem to have a way of revealing their fangs. How so? – Well, their boasting much about themselves betrays a lot. Much of that boasting, I have realized, revolves around the great miracles, signs and mighty wonders they have done. Before we investigate whether these miracles really happen, let us address this simple question; is the Gospel mainly about miracles? Indeed miracles, signs and wonders make up much of the Christian doctrine, after all, the world we live in is a product of the miraculous creative power of the Almighty. Yes, even the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus was largely made of miracles. Yet, I have observed that these signs and wonders were not the chief end of His ministry, but only a forefront of who He was as the Messiah who came to save mankind from their sins. That is why we hear Him say, “ I must preach the ...