
Showing posts from October, 2022

Do They Really Do Miracles?

There was a time when it was extremely difficult to know who a true minister is and who is not, those days are way behind us, because modern wolves somehow seem to have a way of revealing their fangs. How so? – Well, their boasting much about themselves betrays a lot. Much of that boasting, I have realized, revolves around the great miracles, signs and mighty wonders they have done. Before we investigate whether these miracles really happen, let us address this simple question; is the Gospel mainly about miracles? Indeed miracles, signs and wonders make up much of the Christian doctrine, after all, the world we live in is a product of the miraculous creative power of the Almighty. Yes, even the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus was largely made of miracles. Yet, I have observed that these signs and wonders were not the chief end of His ministry, but only a forefront of who He was as the Messiah who came to save mankind from their sins. That is why we hear Him say, “ I must preach the ...

My Letter To The Brethren; Watch Your Life and Doctrine

I don’t call this an article, but a beloved letter to my fellow saints in the Lord. Many of you we will never see each other in person, in this short life, but I trust that you will lend me your ear one more time before we all leave this earth.  If you truly will to live for Christ, I mean those who are not trying to serve Him for some self-promotion whatsoever. If you are one of them who are sincerely on a quest to faithfully serve the Lord, then welcome to the club. You are not alone, dear beloved. Let’s advance in this journey; let’s run with endurance this good race until the last breath. Regardless, the reality is that many of us struggle against many enemies without and within our own hearts. It is so hard, in fact, one might argue that it is almost impossible to be a believer these days. How then do we do this? Scripture – most particularly  1 Timothy 4:16 – gives us a helpful starting point. You start with a watchful eye on yourself; your life and your doctrine. Your ...

Does The Bible Encourage You To "Love Yourself"?

The Gospel is not only foolishness to the world, but it is also offensive. Yet, I have observed that the same worldly people have been quite approving of our “gospel” because we have introduced another doctrine that makes much of self-love. “Love yourself, appreciate yourself, value yourself, believe in yourself and see only the positive in you”, has been the popular message as of late. But, what is wrong with that? Am I applying that people must hate themselves and depreciate the way God made them? I can hear you ask. Well, if only you will give me enough time to present my case. What does the Bible say? Read your Bible from all angles and show me any command for you to love yourself. Instead, again and again, you are commanded to “love your neighbor, as yourself.” The reason for that is that we humans are already in love with ourselves, it’s natural. We all work hard to care for our own bodies and protect ourselves from danger. Nobody ever hated himself (Eph 5:29). Therefore, the Bib...

The Deception of Global Warming

What is the meaning of that? That was my first response when I saw the words “going green”. Now I know that there is a worldwide campaign that has united politicians, celebrities and even church leaders themselves. It’s called global warming. The idea goes that we are all going to die sooner than expected, because the earth is becoming hotter by day until we will all be toasted into extinction somewhere in 2050. According to some “scientific evidence”, there is a collection of carbon gases, caused by human economic activities that are slowly warming up the earth’s atmosphere. The story goes on to suggest that we can all do our part in trying to reduce these gases through some green endeavors. I am sorry folks, I am not interested in joining you on this. I am just not convinced.  God holds the universe This world, and every system of this universe is being held together by the Almighty, who “upholds all things by the word of His power” (Heb 1:3). Therefore, the “do your part to save...