
Showing posts from October, 2021

Celebrating Reformation Day; Lessons From Church History: Part 2

Discover your history, discover yourself - unknown It’s very easy to think that this Christian faith we have now is something new. S omething that was begun by us – perhaps. This would mean that we are the center of attention in the books of history. Fortunately, that is not the case because already we are sitting on top of 2000 years of Christian history. There is indeed a very long line of brothers and sisters of faith; that cloud of witnesses who have come and gone before us. For that reason it is for our benefit if we are to know the kind of people they were; the challenges they endured and the pleasures they enjoyed. This will help us to reflect upon ourselves, as we correct their errors and shortcomings while being challenged by their virtues and excellencies. Our last article was a summary of our Christian history from the time of the Apostles to the present-day Church age. Today we are going to get the lessons from all that. Let's take it away... Lesson # 1 God's purp...

Happy Reformation Month; A Quick Lesson About Our Christian History

Been to church my whole Christian life but I have never, I mean never heard anyone attempt to teach us about the history of our faith. Not even a hint of a historical church event that was significant or any mention of a name whose faith and influence proved to be an inspiration to the modern church . Everyone, has or must have a history that they look back to; to learn from and be inspired by, but why is there such ignorance of our Church history among many of our trusted Christian friends and their leaders? Are we saying that we don’t care a bit about where we come from and those who have walked this Faith before us?   The old saying "if you don't know history, you are bound to repeat it" might be true but the danger of ignorance of our Christian past is far greater than that. If your faith is not influenced by those who came before you, and the doctrines they taught, it’s obvious you are influenced by something else that you imported from somewhere else or invented on ...

How Can You Support us?

Through your prayers Our articles may be good and informative but there are a lot of challenges in keeping something like this running. These include endless Bible studies, research, prayer, handwriting to typing, editing and re-editing. Therefore, discouragements and tiredness are real enemies. To add on that are disappointments from lack of support by fellow believers and depression from thinking that all our work makes no impact. Remember, we are still humans who must also deal with the daily problems of the earth. Because of all this, your prayers are the best support you can ever give us. We may not see you pray for us, and we may not even be there to thank you, but God will see you and hear your prayers on our behalf. Pray for all the ministers who are ever so hard working in getting the Gospel out. Please pray for us! Thanks in advance. Your comments We may not admit this in public but the truth is; to find just one comment after you upload something is very encouraging. In fa...

God; Why Don't You Do This And That For Me?

One friend of my mine bombarded me with these questions; if you say God is love why does He not give me a better life than this one? Why do I have to work so hard just to get food? Why did I even become a black person, in fact, why does a loving God allow all these diseases that kill us? These are actually real questions that many of our well-meaning friends struggle with every day of their lives. Let me admit something; for a moment I had no answer – just stunned. I am sure you can also relate to something like this in your life; just why did God give you this life? Why did you have to go through whatever you went through while some people seem to cruise into life ? If my Lord has enough power to change my life today, why doesn’t He do it then? All these questions may sound like an unsolvable X, but the reality is, there is a simple answer to all this. By the way, what was the initial question? Why doesn’t God do this and that for me? Answer; because He is God. Our wrong view of God i...

I Lost My Salvation? Part 2

This is a continuation of our previous article where we answered the question; can a believer lose their salvation and go to hell?  If you missed part one here is the link   Can You Lose Your Salvation? part 1 What about unconfessed sin? Those who subscribe to a temporal salvation always appeal to unconfessed sin as the reason for a believer’s condemnation – apparently, God saves those who have confessed every jot of sin two seconds before death. Here is the catch; you don’t know every sin you have committed. Surely you may know some, that you can confess, but what about those sins you commit without knowing, and will never know ? In reality, no one will ever know or remember every sin they have committed. Then it means no one will be saved because everyone will die with some unconfessed sin one way or the other – Do you see the problem? However, let’s try to refresh our minds this way; you are saved by God, through faith in Christ. That salvation includes repentance, or let’...

Can You Lose Your Salvation?

I have sat trembling in church to the point of breaking the poor plastic chair as the minister narrates how many true believers like myself have spent their lives being faithful to the faith only to fall away in the end – died in that state and gone to hell. I try to wonder about the condition of my own soul; what if the same will happen to me? Just a little thought of that is enough to chill my spine; to imagine myself screaming in the land of the damned! Still, the question is; what will it take for me to hold on to my faith until the last moment; is there a faith-keeping secret ingredient somewhere? What if I die unexpectedly without confessing all my sins? Let me admit; this is very depressing! As a matter of fact; there is nothing joyful about being a Christian if we are to live with the constant fear of a God who is always ready to send us to hell the moment we mess up . Who is responsible for my salvation? If we are the ones that save ourselves by any means, then it means we are...