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Support Your Local Pastor!

I can only think about the last five years that there has been a shift in the way the public views Pastors in society. They have moved from being respectable heroes in the communities they lived into being villains who are known for sexual scandals, fake miracles and financial exploitation. Perhaps we can rightly say that it is these leaders who are to blame for the lack of trust because there rose among them crooks and deceivers whose job was to do that damage and runway with money bags. Even the faithful ones somehow allowed this through the sin of silence.  In the end, every Pastor gets the blame or as they say in my favorite language, “ zonelwa mvuyinye .” Regardless, I wanted to take this time to remind my Christian brethren that there are still good local Pastors who are still holding on to that trustworthy calling. That good steward is right there at your local church; faithfully laboring for your soul every Sunday . Therefore, beware lest we get carried away with the Christian
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What About “holy” Lying?

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