African Spirituality: What is it & Why Should You Run from it?

Behold, a new movement has arisen and it’s mobilising faster than ever before. Capturing the minds of the masses, both young and old, philosophers and lay men. Its name: African Spirituality, a.k.a. Going Back to our Roots. On a normal day, I couldn't care less about this African Spirituality thing, after all, who can keep up with every new movement that popes up now and then? However, I believe nothing begs more attention from the Christian Church than this belief system, manly because it often times disguises itself as part of the Christian Faith or at least “a better version” of it. In fact, some of the pioneers of this movement, Joshua Maponga for example, are not ashamed of identifying themselves with exclusively Christian titles such as “bishop”. They are even invited to Gospel churches to preach to the very sheep of our Lord Jesus. The result of this, is that many innocent souls get confused about this whole African Spirituality idea and how it fits to their salvation. What...