Characteristics of the Church in Acts: 6 Lessons

Perhaps we can all look at the current state of the African church and be somewhat disappointed because there seems to be a lot of things that are not right. Just how can we clear out this mess? Regardless, I think it’s too soon to ask that question, rather, we must being by asking: where did it all go wrong? And I believe there is no better place to start with that question than in the New Testament era. That is where we see the perfect model of a Church; how God was working and how those believers were conducting their church services. It is there, I believe, we can see a good example of the Church idea, and then we can try to apply those lessons to our modern context . After hovering through that book of Acts, I couldn’t help but be impressed by these qualities of that church age: 1.) They were filled with the Spirit This, of course, is the obvious and the very thing that is famous about the book of Acts. However, my fear is that this is often eithe...