Are You Familiar With the 5 Solas?

October 31 is upon us, it is that time of the year once again. It has been a bit of a worry that most of the good ministers on this African land care very little, if any at all, about the history of the Christian faith. The chief danger of that (I mean being disconnected from believers that have come before us), is that we are bound to repeat the mistakes they made, even more, we can't appreciate their contributions and sacrifices they have made for us to be what we are today; to have the good things we have today. One such good thing is the reformation, which brought a recapture of the true Gospel we are still in possession of today. Just a quick summary: Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic priest somewhere in Germany, about 500 years ago. After being part of the system, and having observed the way things were done, he came to a conclusion that something was wrong. The church was deep into corruption and manipulation, at worst, the true Biblical Gospel was completely out of sight. ...