
Showing posts from October, 2024

Are You Familiar With the 5 Solas?

October 31 is upon us, it is that time of the year once again. It has been a bit of a worry that most of the good ministers on this African land care very little, if any at all, about the history of the Christian faith. The chief danger of that (I mean being disconnected from believers that have come before us), is that we are bound to repeat the mistakes they made, even more, we can't appreciate their contributions and sacrifices they have made for us to be what we are today; to have the good things we have today. One such good thing is the reformation, which brought a recapture of the true Gospel we are still in possession of today. Just a quick summary: Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic priest somewhere in Germany, about 500 years ago. After being part of the system, and having observed the way things were done, he came to a conclusion that something was wrong. The church was deep into corruption and manipulation, at worst, the true Biblical Gospel was completely out of sight. ...

What Do Earrings, Tattoos & Hairstyles Contribute to Your Salvation?

It is a bit of a bother that I have to repeat the same teachings again and again. Nevertheless, it seems like that is the learning method of every human.  To get the same truth again and again or as the Lord says to Isaiah, “…precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little,” until people get it. Nothing concerns me as the fact that a vast number of believers still find it hard to understand the basics of the Gospel message –  in this whole continent of Africa! No matter how clearly the Gospel has been explained, it still happens that somebody can pop up from nowhere and start telling believers that they are going to hell because of makeup, artificial hair and every other thing they are doing to their bodies . Personally, I am never moved by such things because I know what and who I have believed in. I have also assumed that Christ’s sheep are wise enough to discern the error of such teachings. However, believe it or not...

Support Your Local Pastor!

I can only think about the last five years that there has been a shift in the way the public views Pastors in society. They have moved from being respectable heroes in the communities they lived into being villains who are known for sexual scandals, fake miracles and financial exploitation. Perhaps we can rightly say that it is these leaders who are to blame for the lack of trust because there rose among them crooks and deceivers whose job was to do that damage and runway with money bags. Even the faithful ones somehow allowed this through the sin of silence.  In the end, every Pastor gets the blame or as they say in my favorite language, “ zonelwa mvuyinye .” Regardless, I wanted to take this time to remind my Christian brethren that there are still good local Pastors who are still holding on to that trustworthy calling. That good steward is right there at your local church; faithfully laboring for your soul every Sunday . Therefore, beware lest we get carried away with the Christ...

Power of God or Hypnosis?

I am not the kind of a person who easily gets scared, but that day I felt genuine fear. In fact, for a moment I regretted that I was even in that place. I looked around and everyone was either screaming or shaking, rolling on the floor or running aimlessly. I looked right in front of me and saw a grown woman rolling on the floor while groaning pitifully. What’s she feeling? I asked myself. “More fire!” bellowed the prophet through the microphone, before another group on my left stampeded upon each other as they fell to the ground.  All the hard workers in the church, I noticed, were the ushers. Whose job was to make sure that they caught up with everyone before they fell to their injuries. I was already saved by then, and was right in the middle of my preaching ministry. As far as I was concerned, that church was a false church, led by a false prophet. What then was I doing in that place is a long story for another day. The point is that what I saw that day wasn’t anything new. I h...