
Showing posts from August, 2024

Someone Else Will Do It...!

I do a lot of introspection whenever I get a rare chance to be alone. And one of those things I ponder about is my personal walk with the Lord. I reflect a lot on my failures and sins as you might expect, but I also reflect on His goodness and countess blessings in my life. I also think about what would have happened if I wasn’t saved. What if I had chosen to reject this Christ in the first place; opting for worldly pleasures instead? Probably someone else would have been in my place. God would have sought another willing soul somewhere else on the planet who could have grabbed with open hands this lifetime opportunity of being one of the redeemed. As much as I believe in the Sovereignty of God, and His all-governing plan for our lives, I also believe in personal choice and decision making. That means I believe what you are today is partly because of the decisions and choices you have made. And one of those critical choices you have been presented with is: are you willing to walk wit...

Are Ministers Called To Preach Different Messages Each?

Welcome to Africa, the most diverse land in the whole of earth. Here, you will find everything; the different languages, cultures, and even different beliefs and practices. Regardless, one thing we all rejoice for is that this region also received the one thing that has the ability to unite all Africans, the Gospel of our salvation. There is now – says my Bible –  “ one body and one Spirit–just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call– one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all ( Eph 4:4-5 ).”  Having agreed to this beautiful truth, some good believers somehow still believe that someone can call themselves Christian, even identify as a Gospel minister, while still preaching something different from the true Gospel that has been passed down to us for 2 millenniums. A result of this is the kind of a mess we see in the African church; where everyone has a free pass to preach anything no matter how he...

A Heartbreaking Confession

There I was, scrolling through my social media account as I always do on a boring day. Then something popped up. And before I knew it, I was deep into reading it. It was on those platforms where anonymous persons post their life problems and hope that random people would offer solutions through the comment section. Let’s join them and read it again together… Hi Aunt I'm writing to seek people's opinions on the following matter. I'm slowly losing my faith in God, I feel like he isn't for me. Does anyone else feel that way?  Because I'm looking at how other people call upon him and he just answers, he listens to their prayers. Yet we pray but see no results. No matter how much we pray. Some people don't even pray yet they get everything they wish for and are successful. If he loves us all why don't we get the same treatment from him? If he has all the might and power then why do we still get attacked by witches even though we always pray that he protects us? I...

Dealing With the Pet Sin of Lying

The most uncompromising truth of the Christian Gospel is the word “change.” That means those who are in Christ are not just there because they say so, but because there is a manifestation of a transformed life in them. A new heart has been recreated by the good Spirit. It's my understanding that even the least mature believers understand this and do make efforts to kill those sinful habits within them, except for a certain particular sin – lying. I have observed my own life; I have observed the lives of fellow believers and have noticed that we don't take lying as seriously as we do other sins. Part of the reason of course is because lying is so easy to do. All you have to do is modify a few details here and there, look here, that way, blink up, down and before you know it, you have said it – a lie!  It's my duty to remind all of us, brethren, that God takes truth seriously. Because He is the Spirit of truth Himself. Just a quick glance at the Proverbs of the wise King wil...