Someone Else Will Do It...!

I do a lot of introspection whenever I get a rare chance to be alone. And one of those things I ponder about is my personal walk with the Lord. I reflect a lot on my failures and sins as you might expect, but I also reflect on His goodness and countess blessings in my life. I also think about what would have happened if I wasn’t saved. What if I had chosen to reject this Christ in the first place; opting for worldly pleasures instead? Probably someone else would have been in my place. God would have sought another willing soul somewhere else on the planet who could have grabbed with open hands this lifetime opportunity of being one of the redeemed. As much as I believe in the Sovereignty of God, and His all-governing plan for our lives, I also believe in personal choice and decision making. That means I believe what you are today is partly because of the decisions and choices you have made. And one of those critical choices you have been presented with is: are you willing to walk wit...