
Showing posts from June, 2024

My Disagreement with the Jehovah Witness Church

Remember those good-looking, well-dressed, smiling people who stand on the street carrying small magazines written “Awake”? They are the dedicated members of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witnesses, better known in some places as the “Watchtowers”. As you might expect, I bear so much responsibility with these difficult topics, hence I write with seriousness and fear, so that even if I am wrong, I am ready to stand for correction, or otherwise face the consequences of being a liar. The original founder of the Jehovah Witnesses Organization was a certain Charles T Russell, who was then succeeded by Judge Rutherford after his death. Again, I am not too concerned that Charles Russell falsely predicted that the world was going to end in 1914, but I am more interested in refuting the deceptive teachings that he set for our JW relatives. Indeed, there is too much in that organization to be examined in one lifetime, regardless, we are going to try our best to tackle these major ones… Who is Jesu...

My Personal Issue With the SDA Church

Indeed I used the word “personal” as the headline of my script, yet the truth is, I have no personal problem with any faith, or church whatsoever. My issue is and will always be a doctrinal one . That is, I begin by looking at Scripture and the truth therein, then use that to judge my own life, and also anything else, including churches and other religions at large. As you might expect, the views expressed in this article are not coming from hear-say, but I have done my homework and consulted the official sources from our brothers in the Seventh Day Adventist Church. These are the concerning issues I have found out. Ellen G White If perhaps you are new to this name, Ellen White is not only the founder of the Seventh- Day movement, but her teachings are also the basis of the entire SDA Church doctrine. Her writings are what the SDA members call “the spirit of prophecy”. It is concerning enough that what she wrote is regarded by the Adventist Church as being “divinely inspired” (on the s...

My Problem With the Roman Catholic Church

I apologize in advance if what I write here may be misunderstood as something with evil intentions. I just want to discuss honestly. Again, as I have mentioned before, I grew up in the Catholic world. Even today, I can still recite the 7 sacraments,  and even those beautiful songs that Mother sang for us. However, there is a reason why I disagree with the Catholic theology and practice, even though that does not take away my respect and love for my catholic friends. Since my concern is a theologian one, I have done my homework on this issue. Having read, not only the Catholic Catechism, but have also listened to some scholarly Catholic theologians, Trent Horn, for example, and also other sources such as the . Still, I have a problem with the issues below… Mary Doctrine Scripture does acknowledge that Mary was a woman, unlike any other woman on earth. Hence as much as I take issues with my evangelical brothers for not giving Mary enough credit, I also am severely...

What Happened to Covid19, Where Did It Go?

Remember that article about Covid-19 that we published somewhere in 2021; those days when all of us were being politely asked (I mean forced) to get jabbed or else there would be no access to borders, schools and even our work campuses. Well, it’s been 3 years since that pandemic which was predicated to wipe the whole of humanity out of existence, especially those pitiful Africans with bad health systems. Lo and behold, we are still here and there is no sign of anything called Covid19. I mean where did it go? It seems to have disappeared – completely!  No one wears a mask anymore, no more lockdowns, sanitizers are gathering dust in stores and even vaccines have expired and disposed of.  Even more amazing to my mind is the fact that no one talks about it anymore. Everyone has moved on with their lives as if nothing happened – just like that! Where did it go? Well, according to them (I mean the “experts”) the vaccines played a huge role in the fight against that pandemic. A lot ...