Is the King James Version the Only Perfect Bible?

We became believers and we all joined into the traditional belief that the King James is the only Bible that believers must trust and rely on because it is “closer to the original” Greek. The theory goes that other Bible versions are a “satanic tool” to remove the deity of Christ and pervert the Scriptures by omitting some verses. In fact, according to some Dr Gene Kim, if you are not KJV-Only you are – here is the word – a PERVERT. Firstly let me be clear, Scripture, I mean the Bible is the complete word from God that has no error. However, I must make a difference between the Bible and Bible versions . Bible versions is when Scripture was translated from the originals into other languages e.g. Zulu Bible, or the popular English ones (NIV, NET, KJV). Therefore, as much as the Bible is the perfect word of God, it has however, been translated into other versions which are not perfect. If you want to fully understand how our Bible was translated, I suggest you read this Articl...