
Showing posts from April, 2024

Is the King James Version the Only Perfect Bible?

We became believers and we all joined into the traditional belief that the King James is the only Bible that believers must trust and rely on because it is “closer to the original” Greek. The theory goes that other Bible versions are a “satanic tool” to remove the deity of Christ and pervert the Scriptures by omitting some verses. In fact, according to some Dr Gene Kim, if you are not KJV-Only you are – here is the word – a PERVERT. Firstly let me be clear, Scripture, I mean the Bible is the complete word from God that has no error. However, I must make a difference between the Bible and Bible versions . Bible versions is when Scripture was translated from the originals into other languages e.g. Zulu Bible, or the popular English ones (NIV, NET, KJV). Therefore, as much as the Bible is the perfect word of God, it has however, been translated into other versions which are not perfect.  If you want to fully understand how our Bible was translated, I suggest you read  this Articl...

Have We Made the Church Too Expensive To Attend!?

Part of my duty as a minister is to get feedback from fellow believers about the affairs of the Christian faith, mainly the Church atmosphere. One of the things that breaks my good heart is the popular outcry that the Church has become too expensive for regular congregates to attend . When I say Church, I mean the whole church world, most particularly our beloved Pentecostal Denomination. Maybe I must begin by asking this question, is the Gospel ministry expensive; does it demand a lot of money to run a church? Here is a quote from one sincere Christian soul, “The Gospel is free but to take it to the people is expensive.” My response: if the Gospel was that expensive then the apostles “who had no silver and gold in their hands” could not have managed to faithfully preach this message as they did . In fact, do you know that the early brethren met in their homes? It's only in our time that we think ministry requires a large auditorium with a thousand-dollar PA system and glass pulpit...

A Caution About Church Gowns, Uniforms, Robes & Suits Too!

Let’s begin with Luke 20:45 , where we read these words, “ Then, in the hearing of all the people, He said to His disciples, “Beware of the scribes, who desire to go around in long robes , love greetings in the marketplaces, the best seats in the synagogues, and the best places at feasts, who devour widows' houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. ” My question is: why was our Lord against long robes; I mean what’s evil about a piece of cloth anyways? The answer is that there is definitely nothing wrong with those gowns that Pharisees were wearing, in fact, that is what the priests of Israel were supposed to look like. What was wrong was their heart attitude because of those robes; that is where the problem is . That is my area of caution this day. That is, we must be very careful about the modern trend of church regalia and shiny suits thing. Infant my eyes are looking straight at that huge “bishop gown” that goes with a weird hat, a collar, some stick and a huge cross neckla...

Dear Believer, Don’t Ever Graduate from the Gospel!

I admit that I am one of those people who have – for a long time – believed that the Gospel message is only for lost people, and that they must only hear it 2 times in their lifetime; 5 minutes before they repent and 2 minutes before they pass away. In the meantime, believers really don’t need to hear the “elementary” preaching of the Gospel; they are too mature for that. Well, it’s sad that many are caught up in that skewed idea. I would like to present to you today that the Gospel message is both simple enough to be believed by babies and at the same time so complex that no human mind will ever fully understand it in this life. For this reason, we all need the Gospel; the best and the worst of God’s people. As Pastor John Piper says. “You never, never…never outgrow your need for the Gospel. Don’t ever think of the Gospel as, thus the way to get saved and then you get strong by leaving it and doing something else.”   I have listed below why you must hear this Gospel as often as yo...

There is No Coming Revival, Just Perilous Times!

We have always been taught that there is a great revival coming in the Church. I can’t count how many “prophecies” I have heard where people are assured that God is about to do a spiritual renewal and outpouring on earth, resulting in a mass conversion of souls. Some even believe that the so-called awakening will produce material prosperity on the part of God’s people, right before the Lord comes. I believe that idea might have been interpreted from Joel 2:28-29 , which – according to my study –seems to be the closest advocate for a last-day outpouring. To some extent, I admire that understanding, because it shows that believers are expecting the Holy Spirit to work and to change the current state of Christianity for the better. Nonetheless, I have to say sorry for the spoiler, because there is no coming revival, just the opposite. Firstly, it’s not my intention at all to discourage God’s people from praying for a revival. For a start, I have been praying for an awakening myself all my...