
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Danger of Saying "God Spoke To Me"!

There is nothing as disturbing in the Church today, as the common claim by many well-meaning brethren that God regularly speaks to them somewhere in private corners. It is far more fashionable, these days, and more tickling to the ears, to hear people say, “the Lord told me,” than it is to hear them say “the Bible says.” At the start of this subject, some are quick to object this way: are you suggesting that God doesn’t speak to us? Are you implying that it’s okay for us to speak to Him in prayer while it’s wrong for His Spirit to communicate back to us? Well, that is not my issue. You misunderstand this. My concern is not that God doesn’t speak to us or not. Certainly, I do believe that the Holy Spirit communicates, leads and guides His people. My issue here and my serious concern is how do you know when He does speak to you? How sure are you that you are not mistaking your “gut feeling”, your emotion or your wishful thinking as the word from the Lord? My issue is a people who are n...