
Showing posts from June, 2022

Filled, Led And Anointed By The Spirit: Part 2

The great pitfall of the modern Church has been a misunderstanding of the Holy Spirit. Most are they who take anything in the way of external experiences as the Spirit of God. This has led to a lot of weird manifestations that if we are to genuinely compare to what we see happening in Scripture, it has nothing in common with the Spirit of Christ. Our first part was a look at what it means to be baptized and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, let’s continue… The filling Spirit On the issue of being filled by the Spirit, the book of Acts is where we see speaking in tongues as a common occurrence thereafter. For example, in Acts 2:4, Acts 10:44-46 and Acts 19:6 we read people who were filled by the Holy Spirit and immediately spoke in tongues. Yet in Acts 4:31, Acts 8:17 records people who were also filled by the Spirit and nothing was said of them speaking in tongues. Instead, in Acts 4:31 , we are told they were “filled with the Spirit and they spoke the word in boldness.” Peter, "fil...

What Is The Evidence & The Baptism of The Spirit? Part 1

The Holy Spirit is by far the most abused of all the members of the God-head. The reason for that of course, is that His work is misunderstood, and for the most part, ignored by a lot of us well-meaning brethren. This ignorance has been the weak link for false doctrines about the Holy Spirit to take center stage . Join me as we prayerfully, humbly and scripturally try to learn this. The primal ministry Of all teachings I have heard about the coming of the Spirit, no one cares to highlight what Christ highlighted in His promise of the Spirit, that is, “He will convict the world concerning sin righteousness and judgment (John 16:8-11). That means the primal ministry of the Holy Spirit is not some religious experience but it is to show a sinner the condition of his sin, because of the righteousness of the Holy One and the judgment that must follow. From this, the good Spirit then goes on to produce regeneration (salvation) through the process of repentance and faith. The indwelling Spirit...

Something To Think About!

I don’t know about you, but I – once in a while, after all is said and done – find myself alone to my reasoning. This is the time when I really come to myself, I mean this is where I start to think...about life. Something like: what’s in store for me in the future? Will I archive all that I dream to archive before I leave this earth? How many years do I have left in this world? When and how will I die? In fact, what if this is my last year on earth? What will happen to those who are dependent on me? But above all, I ask myself; is there really a God, a heaven, a hell and those things that church fanatics love to scare us about? What if that Bible book is wrong about all this and there is nothing really to worry about? Just religion trying to control our lives – perhaps. But…what if the Bible thing is really true and there is really a Day of Judgment and a burning hell waiting for my soul on the other side? What if I realize too late that indeed all these things were true and I am squan...

Part 2 Bible Prophets vs. Today's Prophets; No Match!

This is actually a second part of what we started last time; all about the gift of prophecy . Before we go any further, let me answer the common objection that I do not have the right to discuss about prophets because I am not a prophet. Well, I answer that with another question: Do I have to be a president to discuss about what the government is doing? Certainly not! As long as we are believers; with the cause of Christ at heart, it is our duty to discuss and converse about anything that pertains to the Name of our Lord. I do not know about you, but I have, in my short years as a believer, been studying prophets in Scripture in comparison with what’s happening in the name of prophecy in the Body of Christ today and all I can is that something quite doesn’t match. I have carefully outlined my concerns below and I hope some Christian will read this thoughtfully and scripturally.   Again as a reminder, all this is not for the sake of meaningless criticism, but for the growth and...