A Quick Lesson About Bible Prophets

We always try to observe some of the worrying things that happen in the Body of Christ, then we carefully attempt to come up with possible solutions as the Lord gives us grace; until we hopefully restore the image of Christ to its former glory. Today’s objective, therefore, is to address the concerning issue of prophets, especially in today’s context . That, however, cannot happen unless we first lay a foundational teaching about the purpose and function of those who were called prophets in the Bible. Everything we are as believers, is derived from Scripture, therefore, it is important to once in a while get a glimpse of how God operated in the pages of His holy book. Let’s take it away. Prophets in the Old Covenant As I expect you to know, in the Old Testament, the Lord led His people (spiritually) through two kinds of people, the priest and the prophet. The priest was responsible for standing before the Lord on behalf of the people, while the prophet stood before the people on behalf...