
Showing posts from May, 2022

A Quick Lesson About Bible Prophets

We always try to observe some of the worrying things that happen in the Body of Christ, then we carefully attempt to come up with possible solutions as the Lord gives us grace; until we hopefully restore the image of Christ to its former glory. Today’s objective, therefore, is to address the concerning issue of prophets, especially in today’s context . That, however, cannot happen unless we first lay a foundational teaching about the purpose and function of those who were called prophets in the Bible. Everything we are as believers, is derived from Scripture, therefore, it is important to once in a while get a glimpse of how God operated in the pages of His holy book. Let’s take it away. Prophets in the Old Covenant As I expect you to know, in the Old Testament, the Lord led His people (spiritually) through two kinds of people, the priest and the prophet. The priest was responsible for standing before the Lord on behalf of the people, while the prophet stood before the people on behalf...

Salvation Is By Faith Alone, Not By Baptism or Goodworks!

I expect a few souls to read this, however, I try by all means to be faithful to my calling and to discharge all my duties as a worker in the harvest of heaven; who knows, some souls may greatly benefit from this – one of these days in the future. Obviously, these letters cannot express how burdened I am by this. I do appreciate that the Christian Faith has diverse approaches to Bible interpretation, however, I have a big problem when we are failing to agree on something as simple, yet vitally important as the Gospel message . Just what do I have to do to enter heaven? Do I have to good-work my way into perfection? Do I have to confess my sins to a priest, or do I need to get baptized to get my sins forgiven? Who is responsible for my Salvation? In this salvation thing, who is responsible? Am I responsible for saving myself through my own disciplines and efforts or it is something that is done to me by an outside force? Well, Scripture is clear that is salvation is of the Lord. “No one...

Why Are Citizens Losing Interest In going To Church? Part 2

Last time we started this discussion by pointing out that what most people see as the cause of the decline in church membership i.e. poverty, is by no means the real reason for this problem. This is the day to take this issue by the horns and point out the root causes. Off we go then… Decline in preaching It doesn’t take a genius to observe that the messages that were being preached by ministers three decades ago are a far cry from what we hear in church today. In those days, sermons about death, salvation and the coming of Christ were the regular diet on Sunday services, crusades, funerals and even hospital visits . This was pivotal in the strengthening of church membership as people attended church as a way of preparing for what will happen on the other side of the grave. Well, let us all mourn the day when all that went out the back door, only to be replaced by the weak and crowd-appealing “success” message. Spearheaded by the charismatic, cool and motivational talk church leaders w...

Our Churches Are Losing Members; Why?

The present and sad reality of many of us Gospel ministers is that things are not the same anymore when it comes to church attendance. There seems to be an increase in the number of people going out the back doors of our churches than they are coming in the front. Even worse, after the recent Covid pandemic we have seen more churches close never to open again. Why is this so? Well, I wouldn’t waste my time consulting the so-called “modern thinkers” because they would tell me that people have evolved to a “better consciousness” and “self-awareness” – they are now smart and independent, hence they have grown out of the primitive church going. We know that this is but a lie because the Gospel is not dependent upon the wisdom of the world, but it is always relevant and powerful regardless of the time and culture it finds itself in. But still, why are people losing interest in something as important as the house of the Lord? Some are convinced that the reason for this is that the Church is...

The Virtue Called Humility

Humility is the rarest treasure you will ever find on the earth’s surface. After all, the world we live in strives on pride; everyone works overtime to promote themselves towards the centre of importance – to prove to the whole universe that they are better and smarter than the next man. You don’t have to live with someone very long before they inform you about all their talents and achievements . Believers, however, their calling is to sail against this worldly stream and imitate their Master who “did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped but made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant, humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death (Phil 2:6-8)”. How can we keep ourselves humble in the midst of this evil world? How can you identify that seed of pride to correctly deal with it? Keep reading; Repentance is the beginning of humility Repentance is a deep sorrow because of one’s sins. It is when you know that you have offended the righteous God an...