
Showing posts from March, 2022

Special Advice to Pastors

As a disclaimer, I would like to say that this is by no means a message for criticizing and bashing the servants of the Most High, on the opposite, it is to encourage and appreciate them for dedicating their lives to such a high calling . After all, nobody has it all together, but we are all still in the growing process through our blessed Saviour. Make sure you are saved yourself? The first and most important advice I would give to my fellow service-men in this Gospel work is: make sure you are saved yourself. Mathew 7:21-23 is the drama of many, even famous Pastors who were well-known for doing miracles and casting out demons yet the Saviour of souls never, even one day knew them. They were not saved! Far be it from you that you are missing that which you are calling others to have . Beware that in your calling others to light, you are still in darkness yourself. Take heed that in your attempt to rescue them in a burning building, your own house is also on fire. What must you do the...

Deliverance Ministry; Question Mark? 2

The last time we handled this issue we kept it as short as possible to stress the fact that Christ’s work on the Cross is all we need. It’s Him who simultaneously saves and delivers us from all powers of darkness the moment we believe in Him. Therefore those who claim to be ministries of deliverance apart from the Gospel message are actually doing innocent souls a disservice. What about the Apostles in the Bible? The book of Acts does record the Apostles casting out demons that were oppressing people. It even says in verse 8 of chapter 6, “ For unclean spirits, crying out with a loud voice came out of many who were possessed.” That sounds like deliverance to me is it not? The same can be said about the ministry of Jesus. He also, many times delivered many from demons. However, let me hold your mouth this way: in Scripture, there is a clear difference between casting out demons and deliverance. Deliverance is a permanent act of rescuing someone from danger. To quote Colossians 1:13 aga...

I Question The Deliverance Ministry!

All of us are very much familiar with the word deliverance. It is a word that means to visit a powerful prophet in town and he will change your life and rescue you from poverty, marriage problems and a whole lot of ancestral spirits that hinder your business success. The actual process of deliverance as we all know, means to come forward in a church meeting, lifting up your hands and the minister touches your head so you can fall backwards, faint a few minutes and…you are delivered! It cost me years to learn that all this deliverance melodrama is found nowhere near the Gospel message and the true ministers of the Lord that we find in Scripture. Let’s take this on; Christ completes deliverance The word deliverance is indeed a Biblical term that invokes to our minds the Lord rescuing the Israelites out of Egypt, hence delivering them out of bondage. This is a good picture of the Gospel message, which reminds us that we are all naturally in bondage of sin, hence a Deliverer has been provi...

Part II; Must We Keep The 10 Commandments Today?

Last time we did get to the basics of why the Law, namely the 10 commandments were given to mankind. This time we are going to closely examine that law in relation to the day to day life of a believer.  The Law is bigger than 10 commandments Before we get too far, let us establish the fact that what we know as the 10 commandments is actually a condensed version of (according to studies) more than six hundred laws that were given at Mt Sinai, and guess what? Israel was expected to keep all of them – without fail. Therefore it does injustice to the Bible when a certain group makes much of the commandments in complete ignorance of the whole Law as it was given. As we highlighted last time that it is evident to our own hearts that we cannot be saved by keeping these laws because we have failed to keep them. We face the same problem even with a summarized version of the commandments “you shall love the Lord with all your mind...and you shall love your neighbour as yourself”. Salvation i...