Special Advice to Pastors

As a disclaimer, I would like to say that this is by no means a message for criticizing and bashing the servants of the Most High, on the opposite, it is to encourage and appreciate them for dedicating their lives to such a high calling . After all, nobody has it all together, but we are all still in the growing process through our blessed Saviour. Make sure you are saved yourself? The first and most important advice I would give to my fellow service-men in this Gospel work is: make sure you are saved yourself. Mathew 7:21-23 is the drama of many, even famous Pastors who were well-known for doing miracles and casting out demons yet the Saviour of souls never, even one day knew them. They were not saved! Far be it from you that you are missing that which you are calling others to have . Beware that in your calling others to light, you are still in darkness yourself. Take heed that in your attempt to rescue them in a burning building, your own house is also on fire. What must you do the...