The Scandal of The Charismatic Prophetic Christianity

Africa is always the victim. Diseases and poverty, yes even wars had always found a good breeding ground long before me and you were born. Enter the 2000s and another clown entered the stage; the 'prophetic'. Dressed in holy clothing, tongues sweet as honey, possessed with mighty power that shook the masses to their frenzy – finally, all the African problems were saying their goodbyes, God had remembered us hallelujah – at least that is what they told us . Indeed, the servants of the Lord who spoke under the office of the High declared that joy was coming in the morning – reality check: nothing changed . It took us a whole decade to realize that we were still getting poorer; still unemployed, still hungry and still sick. If there is anything like change, it is on the part of the “anointed Papas” themselves. They are the ones boasting of new cars and big homes to add on top of flashy suits. Something…does not…make…sense… Actually, it does make sense if you realize that we have b...