
Showing posts from September, 2021

Trousers; Are They Okay For Our Christian Ladies?

As your servants in the Lord, our duty is to serve you with the right knowledge of our Saviour; handling even the most difficult of issues so that we all come to maturity in our Christian walk. What then can we say about trousers for Christian women? There has been so much debate about this issue; are they wrong for wearing them or what? Is there a verse that can solve this problem once and for all?   Away from Legalism   Legalism is simply a  strict belief system that seeks to attain righteousness (salvation) by outward performance or keeping the law. It’s a strict observance of human or religious rules so as to please God. Many times we have heard some well-meaning brethren say, “If you wear trousers as a woman you will go to hell”. As if wearing skirts is the way to heaven. As a result of these legalistic teachings, many are they who do not trust solely in Christ for their salvation but are trusting and dependent on their deeds and outward performances . Here is a qui...

Evangel Africa; Read Our Doctrinal Statement (know what we believe)

A doctrinal statement is simply a written document that details what a certain church or Christian organization believes. Doctrinal statements are designed to be a helpful guide to believers in their ministry work so that they can work for Christ with a clear understanding of what they believe in. Throughout history, the Church also used doctrinal statements to protect believers against many false teachings that were prevalent in those days. Furthermore, a doctrinal statement can be a good teaching tool to Christians who are not certain about certain issues in their walk of faith. Therefore, we as Evangel Africa, have clearly displayed 16 doctrinal points that clearly define what we believe and teach.  All points are accompanied by the Bible verses that shape our doctrine.  These points outline what we believe about;  1. God,  2. Jesus,  3 .The Holy Spirit,  4. The Bible,  5. Salvation,  6. Family &Sexuality,  7. Angels, devil &de...

Preaching Is Not Motivation!

The word ‘motivate’ simply means to inspire with hope, to boost confidence and to stimulate morale. Hence a motivational speaker is the one talented with good speech to encourage the disheartened, to uplift the downcast, to give hope to the hopeless and to give strength to the weak.  All of us would love to have a motivational speaker among us because we all have problems; financial problems, marriage problems, and even mental problems. Therefore, we all need constant encouragement to face these daily troubles.  However, let us never forget that on top of all these earthly sufferings, we have a bigger problem; our souls.  God holds every human accountable for the way they have lived in this life . The secret motives of hearts, the sins committed behind closed doors, the way we have treated those depending on us, jealousy, pride, anger, theft, lies and a whole lot of immorality – All that  will be examined by the Almighty and judged accordingly . It’s fair then to say...