Trousers; Are They Okay For Our Christian Ladies?

As your servants in the Lord, our duty is to serve you with the right knowledge of our Saviour; handling even the most difficult of issues so that we all come to maturity in our Christian walk. What then can we say about trousers for Christian women? There has been so much debate about this issue; are they wrong for wearing them or what? Is there a verse that can solve this problem once and for all? Away from Legalism Legalism is simply a strict belief system that seeks to attain righteousness (salvation) by outward performance or keeping the law. It’s a strict observance of human or religious rules so as to please God. Many times we have heard some well-meaning brethren say, “If you wear trousers as a woman you will go to hell”. As if wearing skirts is the way to heaven. As a result of these legalistic teachings, many are they who do not trust solely in Christ for their salvation but are trusting and dependent on their deeds and outward performances . Here is a qui...