
Showing posts from September, 2023

Disputable Matters

All of Christ’s sheep, regardless of the denomination, church or culture they come from, have one common denominator. That is, they are bound by one message; the Gospel. There is no dispute whatsoever that we were all dead in our sins, until God demonstrated His love towards us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Secondly, there is no dispute nor confusion whatsoever as to how we are to live, once we are in Christ. Every believer knows that they are expected to live in a way worthy of the Gospel; in conduct and in speech. With that being said, there are issues that Christians have differed in opinion and have debated for as long as Christian history has existed. These issues are neither condemned nor encouraged in Scripture and, therefore, are up for debate. This is what Apostle Paul described as “disputable matters.” Now receive the one who is weak in the faith, and do not quarrel over disputable matters – Romans 14:1   I have below outlined a few things that bel...

The Gospel; Why Is It Called The Good News?

I was once one of those people who thought I knew everything about the Gospel, hence, there was no need to have it explained to me over again. Yet the truth is that was just my arrogance, I actually didn’t understand this fundamental message at all, just as I fear many believers do today. If you want to prove this, just ask any random Christian or even a Pastor; what is the gospel  –   give me a full presentation of this good news? And you will be amazed that the Gospel has long been lost in this modern church age. You see brethren, this message of our salvation is not something that you must only hear once the day you get saved and then you graduate away from it. Rather, it is the very thing that even the best of believers need to hear every day . It revives our souls and strengthens our eternal hope all the more. From that angle I appeal to you, brothers, this writing aims to explain this very important message of our redemption.   The key to understanding the Gospel is...

When God Truly Speaks

If there is something called confusing times, we certainly live in that time. Everyone claims to be a messenger of God. Some appeal to their dreams, while others claim they have been to heaven via hell to fetch that “fresh word” from the Lord. At the same time, we have many who claim to have the “prophetic” message for God’s people. Who really is speaking for God; what voice must we listen to? It’s not the first time I have asked this question. Just recently, on social media, I came across a discussion about prophets. And many people were appealing for people not to reject the “prophetic movement” because of some scandals, “because it not all prophets who are false”, they said. Yet my issue is – before we get to that – how can we know the difference between deceivers and genuine ones? Surely, there must be a difference between astroturf and natural grass, is it not? To my disappointment, the answer only amounts to something like “Well, you just have to feel within yo...

No, Women Must Not Be Ordained As Pastors!

I come in peace, please put down your stones and let’s discuss amicably. One of the clearest signs of Christian maturity is that you learn to listen and engage with those who disagree with you. Everyone must have a right and freedom to believe what they have been convinced by Scripture to be true, without being vilified by those who think otherwise. I make this appeal because many of my brethren approach this issue with anger and leave no room for engagement. I have often said that we must all learn to rise above our emotions, and seek to learn through basic reasoning, who knows, you might be the one who is wrong without realizing it.  When it comes to this issue of women pastors, the first group (majority) believes that although men and women are different physically, they are the same spiritually and ministry-wise. This belief system is called egalitarianism . Their argument is based on women such as Deborah, Hulda, the Samaritan woman and possibly the women who visited Jesus’s t...