
Showing posts from August, 2023

What Does It Mean That Love Is The Fulfillment of The Law?

“How does the law apply to the New Testament believers?” is one of those questions that even the best of God’s people struggle to understand. It is quite surprising that there are those who still believe that the law was given so that by trying to keep it, we may enter heaven. On the opposite end are those who confidently suggest that we don’t need the law because we live by grace, hence we can live any way we please. Both of those ideas are false, of course. How then does the law apply to the redeemed? Let’s begin from the book of Romans. Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law - Romans 13:8. In what way is love the fulfillment of the law? Our text goes on to explain: " For the commandments, 'You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,' and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' Love does no wrong t...

A Servant of The People, For God's Sake!

I have fought very hard with people who have tried to call me Pastor. I have always been content with my birth name without a holy title beside it. The reason is not that there is something wrong with Christian titles, trust me, there is no more incredible privilege on earth than to be appointed by God to do ministry work. And it’s also beautiful when people honour that calling with a title; it encourages to know that people do see that special oil that has been deposited on you to lead them to Christ.  However, the reason I have been a little shy about the titles is that I am trying to fight against a negative sentiment that citizens in our day have about us Gospel ministers, where we are viewed as those guys that run to give themselves holy titles because they just want to extract money from people. In fact, I will never forget that day when I was not welcomed at a certain facility because I had introduced myself as a preacher. Therefore, this is my way of trying to prove to the ...

There Is A Difference Between Worship & Emotionalism!

“The God who spoke the universe into existence, is the very same One who chose men to participate in the greatest blessing in all the earth, and that is to worship Him” - J. C Cunningham. The only difference between idolatry and true worship is the word “how”. That is, everyone claims to worship God, yet the manner in which they claim to worship Him is all that matters. For example, the Israelites thought themselves sincerely worshipping Yahweh when they bowed down to the golden calf ( Exo 32:4-6 ). In the same way, when I look at the church today I am genuinely concerned with the way we conduct our worship services. Let’s go deeper…   True Worship is God-centred, not man-centred Ever heard some well-meaning brethren say something like, “I didn’t feel worship today”? It’s because most churchmen believe worship to be about us; how it makes us feel. Therefore, their definition of powerful worship is the evidence of people crying, screaming, and even rolling on the ground. For this re...

Pentecostal Church Gone Wrong 2

I am a church man. For whatever reason, I sincerely wish I could spend much of my time in church than anywhere else. However, often times when somebody on the street asks me about my church I get embarrassed to talk about it. Not because there is anything wrong with my church but because it bears the name “Pentecostal Church.” That is what’s embarrassing because even worldly people know all about the weird things that those types of churches are notorious for. This makes it even harder to invite anyone to church. Last time we listed just a few of these concerning issues under the umbrella of the Pentecostal denomination. Let’s continue from where we left off because it gets worse. Celebrity leadership The celebrities are those guys we see on TV who are adored by everyone for their outstanding talent and riches. Well, since it’s now the world that influences the church, it’s no surprise that most of the Pentecostal arena is now owned by celebrity Pastors. Celebrity pastors are crowd pul...