Why Is The Gift of Tongues Misunderstood?
“ When it comes to the issue of Spiritual gifts… ” says the Apostle, “… I do not want you to be uninformed .” It seems to me that it was needless for Paul to remind them about this, because the Corinthian believers were never misinformed at all with regard to the rest of the gifts, except for these two: prophecy and tongues. Anticipating this, the good Apostle dedicated the whole Chapter of 1 Corinthians 14 , addressing the disorder with regard to these two gifts. That chapter is still in our Bibles, even translated into our own mother languages, but still, many believers are still misinformed. Many still misunderstand these gifts, especially the gift of tongues. Let’s look at the common misinformation: That speaking in tongues is evidence of being saved The first misinformation is as old as the Pentecostal denomination itself. It says that the evidence that you are a Christian is that you speak in tongues. Personally, I don’t speak in tongues; it’s something that the good Lord n...