
Showing posts from June, 2023

Why Is The Gift of Tongues Misunderstood?

“ When it comes to the issue of Spiritual gifts… ” says the Apostle, “… I do not want you to be uninformed .” It seems to me that it was needless for Paul to remind them about this, because the Corinthian believers were never misinformed at all with regard to the rest of the gifts, except for these two: prophecy and tongues. Anticipating this, the good Apostle dedicated the whole Chapter of 1 Corinthians 14 , addressing the disorder with regard to these two gifts. That chapter is still in our Bibles, even translated into our own mother languages, but still, many believers are still misinformed. Many still misunderstand these gifts, especially the gift of tongues. Let’s look at the common misinformation:   That speaking in tongues is evidence of being saved The first misinformation is as old as the Pentecostal denomination itself. It says that the evidence that you are a Christian is that you speak in tongues. Personally, I don’t speak in tongues; it’s something that the good Lord n...

Sorry Nigeria, But This Is On You. Zimbabwe, You Too!

I think it was around 2008, and I was still an unbeliever, although I sincerely thought myself a “Christian.” My big sisters had taken me to an overnight church service somewhere in town. It was the first time that I knew there was something called an “All Night Service”. In fact, everything about that church was new to me. Starting with the fact that the leader himself was referred to as “man of God”, than the regular pastor that I was used to. It didn’t take me long to notice (through his accent) that he was also from outside the country. Throughout his preaching, he occasionally mentioned his mentor, back where he came from, with the term “overseer”, another word which was new to my vocabulary. Everything in that church was a wonder to me, especially the way this leader was adored by the whole congregation as the “man of power.” Even the message was not about going to heaven, as I had known church to be about, but this was about healing, marriage breakthroughs and unlocking the fina...

5 Faith Killers

I am a terrified man. The very thing that makes me afraid is neither the devil nor the collapsing economy, but it is falling away from this faith. I imagine myself, somewhere in the future, deep in worldliness and sin, having forgotten if ever there was anything called Christianity in my lifetime. I bring this up because as I speak, there are quite a few brethren that I know who used to be on fire for the Lord. Some of them used to be my faith heroes; people that I looked up to as the pioneers of this Gospel. Now they are fallen flat on the ground; never to grace the church door again. The result of my observation is that there seems to be a general disinterest about the Lord among many residents. Most certainly after these Covid days when we have seen many churches lock their doors, never to open again. A few times I have sat down and pondered a little about this issue; what it is that really trips and diverts my fellow brethren from the faith? What are the major faith killers?   ...

Foolishness Is Famous!

It’s been said that the modern-day children are born way more intelligent and certainly smarter than the previous generations. From another angle that seems true, thanks to the advancement of technology that has made knowledge a little more accessible to this age than it was before. Yet I can’t help but disagree on the point that the modern generation is more intelligent, in fact, I think it’s just the opposite. Are you surprised that the so-called smart generation is producing some of the most confused young people who can’t even define the difference between a man and a woman? How about the fact that more and more young people are disbelieving the existence of God, an increase in suicide cases among the young, a spike in the youth that are into drugs and are filling prisons and an increase in disobedience to parents? Reading a Facebook article about this issue I got impressed by these words, “I just wish each of these millennials had an elder by their side to offer some wisdom to th...