
Showing posts from April, 2023

The Hypocrisy of the “do not judge” Crowd a.k.a Love and Truth Are Not Enemies!

“ Judge not lest ye be judged ” is undoubtedly the most quoted and perhaps the most loved verse from the King James Bible. It is, of course, taken from Matthew 7:1 , but my question is: is this the only verse in the Bible that talks about judging? If not, what does the rest of Scripture say about this?   The word Judge in biblical terms means two things; firstly, to judge is to condemn someone based on a certain righteous standard they might have failed to attain. That kind of judgment is reserved only for the Almighty Himself, whose throne of judgment we will all stand before, not many days from now. The second type of judging something or someone has to do with making a distinction between truth and error , what is right and what is wrong. The right term for this is the word “discernment”. This kind of judgment is part of our daily Christian life. We all must examine, test and observe everything in light of the truth that is already revealed in the Christian Bible. In other words...

The Truth is, We Don’t Care About Spreading the Gospel!

I couldn’t manage to attend church one Sunday because I was on duty. When evening came, I asked one of the believers about how church was, and what the Word was about. She went on to inform me that the message was about sharing the Gospel with others; that we must make disciples. My next question was, “Do you think people really want to do that; do they honestly care about spreading the Gospel?” In all honesty, her answer was, “No, it is just talk, because even that person who was ministering also doesn’t do that.” This is my concern today, that the words “Let us tell others about Jesus, let’s spread the Gospel, let’s make disciples” have all become nothing but old slogans that mean nothing.   Resources at our disposal It’s easy for us to complain about the evil that has come through technology. Yet, I cannot help but thank God for technology, because there are a whole lot of gadgets and toys that make our lives easy, most particularly if we want to really spread this good message....