
Showing posts from September, 2022

Detecting False Gospels

Although many do not realize this, false gospels exist and are even more common than the true Gospel itself. I applaud the modern Church’s fascination with the Person of the Holy Spirit yet perplexed by its lack of discernment, for this is what the true Holy Spirit always brings among His people. False gospels are harmful to the well-being of souls and damaging to the reputation of Christ’s Name. Hence it must be in our best interest to test and observe anything that comes through our ears in the name of religion. Below is the result of my own tests and observations that I have been doing in all these short years as a believer. It is a false gospel that offers and emphasizes worldly goods I passed by a certain place, many days before today. It was a shopping centre, sort of. And there they were, a minister with a loudspeaker, together with a few more individuals of his company. They were all wearing green bibs, with the inscription “Soul Winner” on the back. For a moment, I was so thr...

Sports Betting; Is It Okay For Believers to Play Lottery Games?

The lottery industry has become one of the fast-growing multi-billion businesses of the modern world. The million-dollar question is; what is wrong with a believer who partakes in this, where in the Bible does it condemn such? To gamble is to risk something of value on something that depends on random chance, while aiming for a big profit. As always, I do not care about what unbelievers do, my concern is the sheep of Christ. I aim to give them the full counsel of God, and to Biblically educate them in every area of their lives, then they will discern and decide for themselves what is right. Honestly speaking, Scripture doesn’t directly mention such things as lottery games. Even the casting of lots was nothing close to sports betting because they didn’t wager their incomes nor was the outcome dependent on chance but on the Lord ( Act 1:24-26 ). Regardless, the Bible is always sufficient to deal with all the issues of Christian living, directly or indirectly. The good side: fast cash ...

When I Want to Do Good, Evil Is Present With Me

I assume your Bibles are already open to Romans 7:14-23. The subject matter is sin. First of all, we cannot properly deal with the sin topic without discussing these two false ideas. The first one is that someone can become saved, redeemed and forgiven, yet still continue in worldliness, carnality and sin lifestyle – willy nilly.  My easy target would be the “gay Christians”. Those who suppose that God’s love allows them to live a continuous homosexual life and still be counted as Christ’s sheep. But wait a minute, before we cast our first stones at the homos, let’s look inside our own churches that we attend, there, I see many young and grown folks, some of them even leaders and choirmasters who unashamedly do those X-rated acts with their boy/girlfriends, all in the name of “we are saved by grace.” “How can you that have died to sin, live any longer in it?” laments the Apostle (Rom 6:2). True believers, my brethren, cannot live in a continuous sin lifestyle all the days of their ...

Helpful advice about preaching; Part II

Preaching is simply taking what has already been written in the Bible and explaining it, with passion and authority. As simple as it looks on paper, it’s not so easy when you are standing up there with all eyes staring at you. As I hinted last time, we do not need any more preachers, we already have enough bad preaching and noisy confusion. What we need is better preaching that is born out a real desire to see the salvation and the sanctification of God’s people for the glory of the Redeemer. Familiarize yourself with the Text As emphasized in the first part of this subject, any sermon that is not Bible-based is not a word from the Lord. Let me go on then and say that you must not only preach your Bible but you must know it – very well. Particularly that portion of Scripture that you will be speaking from . Read your verse(s) again and again. Then you repeat the same process until your mind knows exactly what it says even without looking. For this reason, I also recommend an easy-to-re...