A Case For Joy!

I have hunted long and hard upon the earth’s surface, searching for just one missing piece in all our lives – it’s called joy. I just can’t locate it. There is something I have learned instead; life is complicated. Each day has enough to wipe away even those little joyful moments we think we have. Amazing enough, every time I open the New Testament, I see the good Lord lending out His hand of invitation towards His people through the words, “Rejoice in the Lord always, I say again, rejoice!” (Phil 4:4). There is a fine line between that which we know as happiness and joy itself. Happiness is more of a momentary good mood because of some favourable circumstances around one’s life. That sort of mood, of course, is bound to change as much as the wind of circumstances also shifts and turns with seasons. On the other hand, joy is a combination of happiness, peace, and hope deep within one’s soul. It is a work of the Spirit of Christ Himself, therefore, it doesn’t easily fade, regardless of...