
Showing posts from July, 2022

A Call To Be Faithful

We live in a world where everyone is hungry for attention. Media is awash with individuals who long and wish their names were among the rich and famous. Hence they are prepared to do whatever it takes, just to get to the top. It’s certainly unsurprising when the worldlings are the ones striving towards that, after all, there is nothing new under the sun. Yet it is extremely dangerous when God’s elect are also motivated by such desires deep within their hearts. On the contrary, believers are not called to be famous but to be faithful. To be faithful is to simply love Christ and determination to follow Him no matter what happens to you – in happy hours and in terrible times. It also means strength and willingness to do the Lord’s work, regardless of the difficult circumstances you find yourself in . Let’s say I want to be faithful, I want to serve my Master through rain and sunshine, what can I do to motivate myself? Is there a secret ingredient to faithfulness? Love for Christ I assume,...

Qualifications for Church Leadership

I am not exaggerating when I say that church leadership is the single most important position on the earth’s surface. All other leadership in the world has to do with just the physical wellness of mankind while Christian stewardship is there to deal with the eternal aspect of souls. Having said that, it’s my concern that this front-line mission is despised in this day and age. We live in Africa, a continent where poverty and uneducation have forced citizens to extreme survival methods. One of those is to start a church and label yourself with a holy title, and then you have a chance to make it to the top of the economic status – perhaps. It’s a world where being a relative, friend, or having a high money input will get you a very good position in the church. Because of these things, what calls itself Church today is overflowing with weird leaders who have no shame to disgrace the Name of Christ through false doctrines, proud mouths and a whole of sexual immorality. Sad as it is, it’s ...

Christ the Intercessor!

I assume you have already noticed that on this platform we do not aim to just criticize and point only the negatives but we go on to teach what is right and true for the edification of the Saints. Today we introduce you to the forgotten, or I should say the unknown doctrine of the present prayer ministry of the Lord Jesus for His people . After He finished a complete and perfect redemption on the Cross, He ascended to the right hand of the Father where He is sited at the present moment, not only to make His enemies His footstool but also to continually offer intercessory prayers for His beloved elect. Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them - Hebrews - 7:25   We all need someone to pray for us, don’t we? Well, let not your heart be troubled my dear Christian; believe in God, believe also in Jesus who lives to make intercession on your behalf. I cannot stress enough the importance of t...

What About the Sabbath Day?

I believe this is by far one of the most debated issues of the modern Christian era. Well, let me inform you about something you didn't ask. Every debate emanates from a misunderstanding and perhaps Ignorance of one issue; the work of Christ on the Cross – its significance and application to our lives . The redemptive work of our blessed Saviour is the main issue. It’s definitely not the Sabbath, tithe or even law. You see, once you interpret any Bible topic aside from the doctrine of the atonement (the work of Christ), guess what? Already you are on the road towards Error, then you pass through Heresy before you arrive at the city of Cults. I make this point again: once you ignore Christ as the central figure, then it won’t be long before you start chasing after these side issues and you work very hard to make it the main thing – condemning those who refuse to go with you in the process.   Christ has redeemed His people. He has purchased a full and complete redemption that cannot ...