
Showing posts from January, 2022

When Your Focus Is More On The Devil Than On Christ!

Try to reflect upon these words below; “I didn’t come to church last week because the devil hindered me. I then decided to pray at home but again I felt lazy because the devil was trying to weaken my spirit. My mother is also not feeling well; the devil attacked her with the spirit of sickness. I think I need to be strong in prayer because it seems like the devil is attacking me in every area of my life.” The above statement is indeed a harmless one – it seems, however, proper discernment will reveal that there is a lot of mention of the devil (too much) and what the evil one is doing and no mention of Christ all.  Why is that? This is a very a common problem in the African church today. Many are they who have come to believe that every bad thing that happens is the work of Satan. To some extent that is true – Satan is indeed the master of evil and the reason why our lives are such a mess today. However, we have better news than that don’t we? A Redeemer who has on our behalf ...

Learn How To Correctly Interpret Scripture: Part II

There is a disease that continues to plague the African church in the name of false doctrine. Speaking from experience, I know how bad doctrine can make you a slave of something that is not true. There are many reasons for that of-course, but one such is that correct Bible interpretation is never taken seriously, especially by those in the teaching ministry. My concern though, is to those who are willing to learn these things; those who are, as Paul put it, “vessels of honor, sanctified and useful for the master” – so that they can rightly divide the Word of truth.   Scripture with Scripture There is no better way to interpret the Bible than the Bible itself. This is what is called interpreting Scripture with Scripture or as the good Apostle put it, “comparing spiritual things with spiritual things (1 Cor 2:13)”. All this is built upon the fact that no verse or book is an alien on itself, rather  all the teachings are connected to one another to produce one unified, clear mess...

The Trouble That Came With The Prophetic Movement: Part II

If you were present in our last article we discussed how Christianity is packed-full with scandals, strange doctrines, sexual sins, false prophecies and a whole lot of weird things that we cannot discuss online – ever since the charismatic prosperity kingdom took over the house of the Lord .  With the borrowed time that the Lord has given us, let us address more of these troubles until we get to the solution for all of this. A love for titles Certainly, Scripture encourages us to desire spiritual gifts for the edification of the Church. Yet nowhere in the Bible does it tell us that these spiritual gifts make us superior to other believers . Neither are we told to boast about those gifts nor to look down on those with different gifts. This bad mindset has corrupted many of the brethren who (without any biblical qualification) now seek to give themselves titles in the name of ‘Apostle’, ‘Prophet’, ‘Overseer’  – to mention just these – with the hopes that these titles mean that t...

When Is The Right Time To Label Someone A False Teacher?

"False teacher" is a term that describes an individual who is being used by a devilish spirit to harm innocent souls using the Bible – for any reason such as money, fame or even unknowingly. From the preceding statement, we can learn that indeed this is a serious thing, but who is a false teacher? And what right does anyone have to call someone such? What is a true preacher anyways? To begin with, let us face the reality that everyone claims to be a true minister from the Lord. They all even claim to be faithful to Scripture. However, if we get closer to the true teaching of the Christian faith, we discern that a true servant of the Most High is anyone whose priority is to preach the true Gospel of Christ , which Apostle Paul describes as “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and raised on the 3rd day according to the Scriptures (1 Cor 15:1-4).” In simple terms, the Gospel narrates the story of the holy God who has reconciled Himself with ...